If you have been searching for colleges for a while, it might be difficult to see the end of your college list. Here are some tips for refining that list and selecting where you want to apply.
Many students identify 20 or more colleges without much problem. But if you have only a few colleges on your preliminary list, search for more based on what you want in a college. College advisors often recommend that your final list contain anywhere from 5 to 8 colleges. But, you might consider initially looking at somewhere between 10-20 colleges so you can narrow your list down to your best choices.
The colleges that end up on your shorter list should be those that most closely match what you're looking for. Start with those that meet your most important requirements. Eliminate those that fall short. Looking at Colleges Side by Side can help you identify these colleges. If you need help understanding what you most want in a college, take a look at How to Choose Your Top College Priorities.
If you realize that you don't know enough about your colleges, find useful information about them on their College Profiles. Dive into college catalogs and websites. Visit campuses and meet with college representatives. Talk with your counselor and current or former students about these colleges.
Every year, many students find they are less-than-thrilled with the results of their college applications. So how do you make sure your college list leads to a happy ending?
Narrowing down your college list can feel daunting at first. It takes time to research many different schools and identify the factors that matter most to you. But doing so will help you approach your college applications with more confidence and less stress because you'll know why you're applying to each school -- and why each school is a good fit for you.